
星际娱乐app提供肺部疾病的诊断和治疗, 包括肺气肿, 慢性支气管炎和哮喘, by highly trained and qualified cardio-pulmonary practitioners utilizing pulmonary function diagnostic equipment.

A respiratory care practitioner 访问s with each patient who has been diagnosed with a cardio-pulmonary disease to ensure understanding and treatment. Successful treatment begins quickly after diagnosis to prevent further progression of the disease.

It is imperative for a patient with a respiratory disorder to immediately quit smoking. In more than 99 percent of diagnosed respiratory disorder cases in patients who smoke, 造成这种疾病的原因是吸烟. 因为继续吸烟的病人病情发展很快, 有效地治疗病人变得极其困难.

有关肺部诊断和疾病的更多信息, 请给心肺科打电话, at 979-241-5950.


星际娱乐app提供肺部疾病的诊断和治疗, 包括肺气肿, 慢性支气管炎和哮喘, by highly trained and qualified cardio-pulmonary practitioners utilizing pulmonary function diagnostic equipment.

A respiratory care practitioner 访问s with each patient who has been diagnosed with a cardio-pulmonary disease to ensure understanding and treatment. Successful treatment begins quickly after diagnosis to prevent further progression of the disease.

It is imperative for a patient with a respiratory disorder to immediately quit smoking. In more than 99 percent of diagnosed respiratory disorder cases in patients who smoke, 造成这种疾病的原因是吸烟. 因为继续吸烟的病人病情发展很快, 有效地治疗病人变得极其困难.

有关肺部诊断和疾病的更多信息, 请给心肺科打电话, at 979-241-5950.

肺功能检查 are a group of tests that measure how well the lungs take in and release air and how well they move gases, 比如氧气, 从大气进入人体循环.


  • Diagnose certain types of lung disease (especially asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema)
  • 找出气短的原因
  • 测量工作时接触污染物是否会影响肺功能


  • 评估药物的效果
  • 衡量疾病治疗的进展

霍尔特监控 is a technology that allows for continuous recording of the heart’s electrical activity while you go about your daily activities. This technology helps physicians diagnose abnormal heart rhythms and develop the most effective treatment plan.

An 超声心动图, 通常在医学界被称为心脏回声或简称回声, 心电图是一种心脏超声图(不缩写为ECG), 医学上通常指的是心电图). 也被称为心脏超声, it uses standard ultrasound techniques to image two-dimensional slices of the heart.

超声心动图用于诊断心血管疾病. 事实上,它是最广泛使用的心脏病诊断测试之一. 它可以提供大量有用的信息, 包括心脏的大小和形状, 它的泵送能力和任何组织损伤的位置和程度. 它对评估心脏瓣膜疾病特别有用. 它不仅能让医生评估心脏瓣膜, 但它可以检测到血液流动模式的异常, 比如血液通过部分关闭的心脏瓣膜回流, 被称为反流. 通过评估心壁的运动, echocardiography can help detect the presence and assess the severity of coronary artery disease, 同时也有助于确定胸痛是否与心脏病有关. 超声心动图也可以帮助检测肥厚性心肌病. The biggest advantage to echocardiography is that it is noninvasive (doesn’t involve breaking the skin or entering body cavities) and has no known risks or side effects.

压力测试 可以用来检测心脏病吗. Stress tests are tests performed by a doctor and/or trained technician to determine the amount of stress that your heart can manage before developing either an abnormal rhythm or evidence of ischemia (not enough blood flow to the heart muscle).




  • Determine if there is adequate blood flow to your heart during increasing levels of activity.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your heart medications to control angina and ischemia.
  • Determine the likelihood of having coronary heart disease and the need for further evaluation.
  • Check the effectiveness of procedures done to improve blood flow within the heart vessels in people with coronary heart disease.
  • 识别异常心律.
  • 帮助你制定一个安全的锻炼计划.


  • 跑步机压力测试: As long as you can walk and have a normal ECG, this is normally the first stress test performed. You walk on a treadmill while being monitored to see how far you walk and if you develop chest pain or changes in your ECG that suggest that your heart is not getting enough blood.
  • 核压力试验: This test helps to determine which parts of the heart are healthy and function normally and which are not. 一种非常小而无害的放射性物质, 叫铊, 注射到病人体内. The doctor will use a special camera to identify the rays emitted from the substance within the body; this produces clear pictures of the heart tissue on a monitor. 这些图片是在休息和运动后完成的. 使用这种技术, a less than normal amount of thallium will be seen in those areas of the heart that have a decreased blood supply.

心电图(心电图) 是一种测量心跳电活动的测试吗. 随着每一次跳动,一个电脉冲(或“波”)穿过心脏. 这种波使肌肉挤压并从心脏泵出血液. 心电图上的正常心跳会显示上下心室的时间.

左右心房或上心室形成第一波, called a P wave — following a flat line when the electrical impulse goes to the bottom chambers. The right and left bottom chambers or ventricles make the next wave called a QRS complex. 最后一波, 或T波, 表示脑室的电恢复或恢复到静息状态.

心电图主要提供两种信息. 第一个, 通过测量心电图上的时间间隔, a doctor can determine how long the electrical wave takes to pass through the heart. Finding out how long a wave takes to travel from one part of the heart to the next shows if the electrical activity is normal or slow, 快还是不规律. 第二个, 通过测量通过心肌的电活动量, a cardiologist may be able to find out if parts of the heart are too large or are overworked. 做心电图没有疼痛或风险. 当心电图贴取下时,可能会有一些轻微的不适.

睡眠研究 测试是观察你的身体在睡眠中发生了什么吗. 这些研究是为了找出导致睡眠问题的原因. 睡眠问题包括:

  • Sleep apnea, which is when an adult regularly stops breathing during sleep for 10 seconds or longer. 这可能是由于睡眠时气流受阻造成的,比如气道变窄. Or it may be caused by a problem with how the brain signals the breathing muscles to work.
  • 难以保持清醒,如嗜睡症.
  • Problems with nighttime behaviors, such as sleepwalking, night terrors, or bed-wetting.
  • 夜间睡眠问题(失眠). This may be caused by stress, depression, hunger, physical discomfort, or other problem.
  • Problems sleeping during the day because you work at night or do rotating shift work. 这种睡眠问题被称为轮班工作睡眠障碍.
  • 周期性肢体运动障碍等病症, 哪一种是脚部反复的肌肉抽搐, 胳膊或腿在睡觉时.

Sleep studies can also determine whether you have a problem with your stages of sleep. The two stages of sleep are non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). 正常情况下,非快速眼动和快速眼动在一个晚上交替进行4到5次. 这种循环的改变可能会让你难以入睡.
